Tag Archives: mistakes

Life Lessons

There is one incredibly important thing to realize in life and that is that everything is a lesson in some format or another. This came to me Friday morning while I was attempting to make my first sales calls ever. I don’t mean phone calls either. I mean driving to businesses, speaking with clients, and trying to introduce myself as their sales rep. When they say epic fail in video games, I now know the true meaning of that statement. I drove around for hours to businesses that had closed, people weren’t in the office, and I had the wrong addresses for some.

That story doesn’t really start my positive blog in a happy manner, but I learned a lot of valuable lessons that day. First, I realized that my sales strategy of the day, for lack of a better word, sucked. However, I had the attitude that I was going to learn from my mistakes, refine my plan, and not give up. I won’t make the same mistake twice.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and over again expecting different results.

So why is it that we always try to do things that failed in the same way they failed before and hope that they work? That’s illogical. If in life you find yourself constantly in the same position in a job, a relationship, or in life, you have to start asking yourself what you aren’t changing. I am not saying to change yourself by any means. Be who you are and be damn proud of it, but don’t put the blame on other people either. For example, if you find yourself in relationships that don’t work out and you end up heartbroken all the time, you should probably consider changing how you approach relationships. If your in a job you hate and you leave to go to a job that you are doing the same thing, just for a different company, you may not solve your problem.

Take everything in life as a lesson. Make sure you are constantly learning from where you have been. The path you walk down may not always be perfect, but it can be perfectly valuable to your future.

Happy Monday!

<3 Racy

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