Tag Archives: laughing

It’s as Simple as Sharing Your Joy

What an amazing last 24 hours this has been! Holy canoly batman! I went from 20 views a day to over 100 yesterday. Thank you to everyone who has read what I have put and given me such great feedback. You all are truly amazing.

With much of what has been said to me today, it has become clear that a happy mentality is contagious. I am actually inspiring others to do something positive with their lives and to me that is truly what this entire blog was all about. I am so happy. : )

Today’s reminder is simple, “Find your joy and share it with others!”

It’s Monday and we are all tired, but the real question is, did you do something you enjoyed today? Did you do something that made your morning drive into work one step better? Personally, I like to sing to people on my rush hour commute. I pick something catchy that I can rock too and just belt it out. Nothing wakes you up better than German techno. I don’t even know the words, but I am singing to you, cute guy in the white Ford pickup. Yeah, you know who you are.

Did you eat a lunch that gave you a pick me up? Did you talk to your best friend? Did you spin your cat and then let him go and watch him “drunk” walk around the kitchen? Did you laugh so hard you cried? Did you eat that candy bar that you knew you shouldn’t have because it looked way too tempting?

Wait that was my day…. sweet.

Life is too short to not be happy and to share that happiness with others. Surround yourself with people who make your life better and never stop sharing the laughter and spreading the good times.

Go on, smile. It’s Monday! (And it’s over!)

Do something that makes you happy tomorrow.

I dare you.

Goodnight moon,

<3 Racy






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Things You Learn From Children

I have been working at an elementary school for three years and it is amazing to see the way that children view the world. Children are easily excited, they are innocent, and most of them know how to have fun without worrying about what other people think. They are excited by the little things in life, they run and play all day, and they take the time to enjoy everyday.

It’s been a proven fact that the average child laughs almost three hundred times a day, while the average adult only laughs fifteen. That means that in the difference of say fifteen years we laugh twenty times less. Why is this? It’s simple. As adults we worry so much about life, work, other people, and making good impressions. With all these thoughts on our mind we forget to to stop and smell the roses. No one enjoys life anymore. We can get our updates on people in 2 seconds from Facebook, so there’s no point in doing lunch to catch up, right? We can relax by watching TV instead of going out and enjoying fresh air, right? Wrong.

Our quality of life is improved by our relationships and by doing things that are good for the soul. Smile at a stranger, laugh, and laugh more! There is nothing wrong with being happy and loving life. We are never too old to enjoy the simple things in life. Enjoy your morning coffee thoroughly from the first sip to the last. Go play on a swing, roll down a grass hill, or go play hopscotch. Think like a kid and get excited when you see your best friend. Do something everyday that makes you smile. Watch something everyday that makes you laugh. Talk to a friend who puts you in a great mood. Do whatever it takes to keep you inner child alive and never stop laughing.

It’s like one of my best friend, Brian says, “If you ain’t smiling, you’re dying.”

Have an amazing week everyone!

-Racy : )

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