Tag Archives: grateful

The Best Day(s) of Your Life

The best day of your life can be everyday! Yeah, yeah that sounds so over-exaggerated and dramatic, but that is exactly what it is! I made my most important goal this week and it was to not complain or say something negative once. If I even feel the urge of complaining or to say something negative I have to instantly remind myself of why I am grateful to be in a situation that makes me want to complain or to look for the postives in something that seems negative. Guess what? Three days down and I feel great. To make that better, it’s already almost becoming second nature. I am looking for positives without even thinking about it because I know it makes me happier. I realize that I don’t have a large fan base yet, but I dare anyone who ever reads this to try it. Do it for a week and if it doesn’t make you feel better you are doing it wrong.

There are things in this world that are easy to do and easy not to do. Complaining is a great example of this. It is easy to complain and look for negatives, but it just as easy to look for positives and reasons to be happy. What would make you feel better at the end of the day? Venting about how awful your life is or coming home energized because you had an amazing day! No matter what happend to you, your attitude prevailed. For example, I am a full time student, I work full time, and I like to be busy. I could complain about how long my day is, how I barely have time to eat or exercise, and that I am exhausted. However, I tell myself, I am grateful to have a job, I am grateful that I am making my life better, and thank God that I have a meal. Little mindset changes like this go a longer way than I thought a week ago.

My proof was Tuesday night. I went out with a few friends to grab a beer and catch up. Mind you it has only been a week or two since I had last seen these people and one of them remarked that I seemed way too happy. I replied that I was high on life and everyone laughed, but it’s a fact. When you see reason to be happy all day, you will be happy all day. How can you have a bad day if you can’t find a single thing to complain about because you replaced it with something better? This has been an incredible realization.

Stay positive my friends,

Racy : )

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