Category Archives: Goals

Living the Dream

So, as it turns out, this month has been a craze of adventures and absolute awesomeness. I apologize that my updates have been slower, but life has a funny way of coming at you fast.

I have been fortunate in this month to experience my first comedy show, Jeff Dunham is amazingly hilarious and I enjoyed every moment of it! (Thanks dad!) I went to my first monster truck show. There are not enough words to describe how cool it is to watch huge trucks demolish cars while doing wheelies. I went to my first diesel drag race. I give those guys credit for getting some decently fast trucks. Speaking of diesels, as some of you know, I have been selling semi trucks for six months and recently had the opportunity of starting a YouTube channel dedicated to bringing the world advice on trucking and trucking news from around the world. My counterpart Corina and I have only had the opportunity to make two videos but I am so excited to see where this journey takes us in life.

And the biggest change in my life has been starting the Paleo Diet. I decided that giving up the regular American diet was a great way to get my body in gear. I have officially been off caffeine for three weeks and coming from a girl who was addicted to Red Bull, that was a true accomplishment in itself. I have cut out a majority of all processed foods. I no longer live my life on pasta and sandwiches, but eat all meats, fruits, and vegetables like it is going out of style. It’s amazing how much a diet change can affect the rest of your life.

Now, onto the positivity side of my blog. I have been doing a lot of soul searching lately and really trying to decide what I want most in life. You know what, I want everything! And I don’t mean I want all the riches in the world (not by any means) but that I just want to experience everything the world has to offer. With dreams that are beyond my current scope of life, it is also very easy to get discouraged and feel like I will never be good enough. As a reminder to everyone who reads my blog I would like to share a major topic talked about in a book that changed my life, “The Slight Edge.”

It is easy to talk yourself out of doing things because they are too time consuming, too difficult, or even impossible. (On a random note, the word impossible should be taken out of your verbal dictionary the moment you read this. As Audrey Hepburn said, “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says I’m possible! Just food for thought.) The Slight Edge is a personal development book by Jeff Olson that truly changed my thinking habits in life.

The whole purpose of the book is to really look at your dreams, your goals, and your visions for the future. Let’s take the simplest example, weight loss. As Jeff Olson says, we all know how we should eat, that we should exercise, and that we should take care of our bodies, but we are Americans and we want results, not tomorrow, not even a month from now, we want them right now. There is no healthy quick fix for weight loss, the simple answer is make small improvements every day in your diet to create the image you want to see.

Now apply that everything you want in life. Instead of looking at something as one big picture, see it as a few small changes you can make to improve yourself in a positive manner over a period of time. If you want a better job, start networking. It won’t pay off right away, but over time you will have created a group of people you can turn to when you set yourself to get a better job. If you want to quit smoking, you will most likely fail if you wake up one morning and say “I think I am going to quit smoking today.” You cut back slowly. One day you don’t smoke on your way to work, then the next week you cut out after meals, then you cut out your driving smoke, and eventually you are just used to not smoking and it becomes natural. Think about your retirement plan, if you have one, you don’t just one day throw in a million dollars to save until your 65, you slowly build up your money so that one day you can enjoy it in peace.

The biggest key in all of this is remembering that improvement is just as easy to do, as it is not to do. You can choose to workout everyday or choose not to but remember how much better you will feel if you do and keep the motivation high! Nothing in life is impossible. For me, the biggest struggle will forever be experiencing everything I want in my lifetime, but I have to view everything as a piece by piece improvement and I encourage you all to do the same.

Until next time, happy Tuesday!

Keep on smiling!

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