Category Archives: Energy

The Energy Vampire

I would like to start this with an apology. I do go quite some time in between writing because of my hectic schedule, but hopefully I will get better when I finish school in four weeks.

Anyway, my title is the energy vampire and I know most of you are thinking what the heck does that mean? My roommates have used this term for months referring to specific people in your life who just by calling, texting, or walking into a room they can suck the life/energy right out of you or the room.

Yesterday, I was at work enjoying my lunch and talking with another employee. One of the new employees walks in and instantly starts nagging about how much he hates his job, rush hour traffic, his car, gas prices and pretty much life. For those of you who read this and do not know me in real life, I am an incredibly upbeat person, I make a point to find reasons to be happy instead of upset. So when he walked in there was a lot of positive energy going around the room and he opened his mouth and it was all gone.

That may sound like an exaggeration, but think about the people in your life. Do you have someone who calls you and the minute you see it your brain says “Ugh… I wonder what they want to nag about now.” You hang out with them and they bring you down because they have no goals and no motivation and they thrive on yours.

Are you that person? 

I ask that question very seriously, because I think that a lot of people are afraid to answer it honestly.

When you walk into a room, what energy do you add or subtract  from it?

When someone asks you “How are you today?” do you respond “I’m okay” “I’m good” “I’m great” or “I am amazing!”

Just think of the difference between those answers. They affect the energy and the positivity that go into your work place and your life.

Now apply that to every aspect of your life. Be on the lookout for reasons to be happy instead of negative. Don’t complain about the negatives of your day, focus on the positives.

I challenge everyone to not be the energy vampire. I challenge you to be the person who walks into a room and says “I am spectacular today!” “You look fabulous” “Let’s make today great.” Say your please and thank you’s, smile, and be a person people want to be around. Not the person that people see calling and sigh while they debate whether or not to take your call.

I wish you all the best of luck.

Happy almost Friday! : )

<3 Racy

Happiness In Life Quotes

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