Forks in the Road

It has come to my attention that in life, we face tough decisions and dilemmas on a pretty regular basis. Life thinks it’s clever and hands us forks in the road all the time. Sometimes you get two forks and sometimes you end up with so many you can’t distinguish where to go. The path gets hazy and it’s almost like a whirlwind of options are waiting for you to pick something.

We all get overwhelmed with options, opportunities (both good and bad), and we all have to come to a decision.

About two months or so ago, I was talking to my roommate and best friend about what you do when life hands you forks in every direction. The best answer I got was,

“The one that takes you up.”

That’s big and bold for a very important reason.

If everything you do in life, big or small puts you in a positive direction, you are already making the best decision that you can. If you take a step back and look at the bigger picture in life, the choices are easier.

I realize that life is not always as simple as, Oh this choice puts me in a better direction in life, but I think that often I have watched people waste so much time trying to make a decision because they were overwhelmed with options.

Do anything that puts you in a better position than you already are and you will already be one step better than you were.

That’s my rant for today.

Have a great week.

Happy Monday!

Racy : )

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One thought on “Forks in the Road

  1. mestevenson says:

    Very profound! I feel like we get so overwhelmed not just with the options but with a focus on making the right choice- we forget to make a choice at all. Never let life run you! Much love.


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